Sustainable Procurement Policy and Yara’s values

Our contractors and service providers must be compliant with all applicable laws as well as the principles in Yara’s sustainable procurement policy and code of conduct for business partners.

Yara Suomi Oy’s Siilinjärvi plants procure products and services from roughly 500 local and global suppliers. We also purchase raw materials, such as chemicals, energy and fuels. In addition to this, we procure significant quantities of process equipment as well as relevant spare parts and services for maintenance and production activities.

We comply with Yara’s Procurement Policy, which defines the guidelines for our procurement procedures. The policy defines for instance our bidding procedures, the selection of our business partners and the principles for supplier relationship management.

In order to ensure the responsible procurement of materials and services, we conduct a preliminary selection process on our contractors and service providers before entering the agreement

The preliminary selection process involves us assessing the companies on aspects related to safety, environmental matters, responsibility and other predefined factors. We conduct contractor and service provider audits related to safety and ethics. Before selecting a contractor or service provider, we also carry out ethical survey (Integrity Due Diligence) to ensure that each company operates in a responsible manner. Read more: Supplier requirements >>

Yara requires all of its contractors and service providers to operate in compliance with the ethical instructions for Yara’s business partners, Yara’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners >> The aim is to ensure that each company operates responsibly according to all applicable laws, and also defines its standards for conducting business, which Yara expects its contractors to follow.

At Yara, we are committed to our values, which are ambition, curiosity, collaboration and accountability. Our employees respect each other and our partners. We expect the same from our partners. Yara does not tolerate any intoxicants. We conduct tests randomly or in cases where substance abuse is suspected.

Yara aims at conducting equitable contracts with all suppliers, based on consistent terms. Therefore all supplier contracts should be based on our General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (GTC) >> or other terms defined by Yara.

Sustainable Procurement Policy

Yara has published the Sustainable Procurement Policy in 2022. The policy opens Yara’s views on sustainable procurement and defines, what Yara expects from its suppliers and what suppliers can expect from Yara. The main purpose is the enhance the transparency and the sustainability of our value chain by emphasizing cooperation, sharing of information and mutual continuous improvement.

Yara has chosen EcoVadis, an independent international company to evaluate the sustainability of our suppliers, in order to enhance the transparency of our supplier chain and the cooperation with our suppliers. Our goal is, that the sustainability evaluations will cover 80 % of all our procurements by the year 2025.

The Sustainable Procurement Policy complements the basic guidelines defined in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners. The Sustainable Procurement Policy emphasizes especially the following themes: climate change, energy, circular economy, management of waters, health and safety, human rights and working conditions, business ethics as well as diversity, equity and inclusion.

More information on Yara’s Sustainable Procurement Policy >>
More information on Yara Finland’s sustainability activities (in Finnish) >>